分页 残疾人士如无法从书库中取回资料,可向图书馆工作人员请求协助. The request must include the call number of any item needed; assistance with locating call numbers is provided by librarians in the Writing and Research Center. 项目将根据工作人员的可用性在24个营业时间内进行分页.
复制/印刷 残疾人士如无法独立影印或列印,可要求图书馆职员协助. 复制请求必须包括原始材料和任何特殊说明. Individuals must arrange for payment of copies or printing with library staff; this may require briefly surrendering a student ID card for payment processing. 项目将根据员工的可用性在24个营业时间内复制.
学生或教师只能在距离特洛伊20英里以外的校园注册课程 may request home delivery of print books from the Marvin 图书馆 collection; TEC-SMART students are eligible for this service. 使用 资源共享系统 建立一个帐户和要求入账. Inform us in the Notes section that you are a distance student; items will be mailed to your home address after your current off-campus status is verified. 随信附上已付邮资的回邮信封一个. 逾期罚款和更换费用是借款人的责任. 馆际互借服务也以同样的方式提供. 学生在同一学期在特洛伊和奥尔巴尼以及校外地点注册课程, 不符合送货上门的资格.